Contact The Alpha Group Workforce Development Department: Keith McArdle at [email protected]
Workforce Development
The Alpha Workforce Development Team provides supports to individuals who are interested in working competitively. We provide assistance with all aspects of this process from the early stages of understanding how to navigate employers’ websites and online applications to hands on Job Coaching at the worksite once a job offer is made. Alpha fosters independence and empowers individuals to meet their goals through a combination of soft skill development and direct skill training. If you or someone you know is ready to work, we are here to help.

Phase I: Pre-Employment Supports
- Alpha currently partners with two Project Search programs – Grady Memorial Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
- This program allows high school students to participate in an additional year of training which centers exclusively around employment.
- Students take part in a variety of internships within Grady that cover everything from Patient Registration to Environmental Services.
- In addition to work skills, there is also a daily classroom session that prepares the participants for their eventual job search and life in the working world.
- Click here to watch an amazing success story of one of our Project SEARCH Interns at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
- Alpha’s Summer Youth Work Experience is designed for entry level or beginning transition youth students looking to improve their job readiness. This program is designed to encourage youth to gain real work experience. During this time, the youth will work under the supervision of a Job Coach and a site supervisor at a local business.
Career discovery results in identification of the individual’s interests in one or more specific aspects of the job market; an understanding of the individual’s skills, strengths, and other contributions likely to be valuable to employers and conditions necessary for the individual’s success.
Vocational Evaluations utilize a variety of testing options to identify and evaluate a participant’s current and projected vocational interest and abilities to provide viable employment options.
Employment plans create a clear plan for employment or self-employment. This service may include career advancement planning for individuals who are already employed.
Phase II: Path-to-Employment Supports
These services are designed to provide individuals an opportunity to develop and enhance their general skills while participating in volunteer and work experiences that will advance them on their path to competitive integrated employment opportunities.
Vocational Habilitation – Facility are services that are conducted in a facility-based setting through paid subcontracted work and soft skill development.
Vocational Habilitation – Community (ACE) are services that are conducted at a host community business location through various hands- on internships and soft skill development.
- Career Exploration
This service is designed to help an individual identify what areas of employment may be the best fit based on their needs, skills, and abilities. Career Exploration is a one-on-one service that is supported by OOD and completed by an Alpha team member. Through informational interviews, job shadows, and research we strive to assist each participant in the identification of a vocational goal.
Job Readiness Training (JRT)
This is a group-based service which assists participants with developing the necessary skills and abilities to become successfully employed.
- Work training
- The Alpha Group provides community integrated experiences and opportunities to enhance or gain various soft skills and work training to individuals with developmental disabilities in Central Ohio. Alpha is the leader with more than 50 years’ experience we are extremely competitive and guarantee job satisfaction. We offer services to commercial, industrial, governmental agencies and private residences.
- Custodial: The Alpha Group’s custodial team provides our customers with flexibility of a customized plan to fit their specific needs.
- The Alpha Group provides community integrated experiences and opportunities to enhance or gain various soft skills and work training to individuals with developmental disabilities in Central Ohio. Alpha is the leader with more than 50 years’ experience we are extremely competitive and guarantee job satisfaction. We offer services to commercial, industrial, governmental agencies and private residences.
- Long term supports for community employment
Phase III: Employment Supports
This enables the individual to be successful in the integrated job setting through long term job coaching, training in assistive technology, and personal care or assistance.
Service Area
Our headquarters is located in Delaware County. We also provide services in 12 other counties. Please check the map for more information.